LulaRoe Consultant Cost

Interested in becoming a consultant? Contact Kelly or me via Facebook today! If you are ready to sign-up, you can sign up HERE.

When Kelly and I first signed on with Lularoe, you could choose one of several packages that started around $6,000. There are no sign-up fees, the entire $6,000 investment was into inventory. The onboarding process was also four months long. Since then, a lot has changed and the new program is awesome!!

First, you sign-up. Next, you will go through a series of phone calls with Lularoe to make sure you have all of the information you need as a new consultant. After about a week, you place your first order. To get started you will need to invest a little less than $4,000. They will give you several styles to choose from and you need to choose at least 4. You can add on as many styles as you’d like, but you need at least 4. Within a week of paying for your order, it will ship and you are ready to go! Now, don’t be worried about not ordering enough because as soon as your order is placed, you will become activated and can place another order at anytime. You only have to order 15 pieces to place an order and all orders ship free so there is never any pressure to invest more than you can afford or are comfortable with.

In addition to purchasing inventory you will also need a few other things such as a ring light, Z-racks and hangars, thank you cards, etc. These “extras” will cost around $500.

During the 2-3 week period that starts with making the decision and ends with receiving your order, Kelly and I will make sure you have all the tools and resources you need to be successful. We will walk you through EVERYTHING so that you know how to start and run your business, and grow your online community. You will also become part of one of the Top Selling teams in Lularoe and will have access to training tools and resources from the best of the best.

Kelly and I absolutely LOVE being consultants. We make a great living and sell Lularoe full time. With this opportunity you can choose whether you want to work part time and make a few hundred extra dollars a week, or full time and make enough to support your family from home! Don’t think about the start up costs, think about the return on investment!